
Dr. Yogesh Pratap Singh
Post Doc,,  Intelligent Inclusive Interaction Design (I3D)
under Prof. Pradipta Biswas
Ph.D., Robotics and Design Lab
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
IISc Bangalore
Email: yogeshsingh@iisc.ac.in ; yogesh.pratap@fsidiisc.in
PhD Supervisor:  Prof. Ashitava Ghosal
Ex-chair, IISc Students’ Council
Yogesh Pratap Singh completed his Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, in the Robotics and Design Lab under the guidance of Prof. Ashitava Ghosal. He is a recipient of the inaugural batch of the prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF). Yogesh earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur, in 2018. His research interests include dynamics, robotics, vibrations, and control systems. Throughout his academic journey, he has collaborated on several projects with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and has authored multiple research papers published in reputed journals and conference proceedings. Originally from Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh, He is currently serving as the elected chair of the Student Council at IISc Bangalore.

Scroll down for information regarding my research, publications, and teaching.


  • PhD/M.Tech Res. (Mechanical Engineering): Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (2018-present). Status: Thesis Submitted in May 2024.
  • B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) : National Institute of Technology, Raipur ( 2014-2018)

Research Interest

Robotics, Dynamics, Vibration, Vibration control, Control systems, and Structural Design.


Journal Publication (SCIE)
Conference Paper
Best paper awards
External travel grants
Journal Publication:
Conference Publication:
  • Y. P. Singh and A. Ghosal, “Dynamically Isotropic Gough-Stewart Platform Design Using a Pair of Triangles,” In: Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2023, Bled, Slovenia. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol. 135, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 264–272, June 2023.
  • Y. P. Singh and A. Ghosal, “Design of Decoupled and Dynamically Isotropic Parallel Manipulators With Five Degrees of Freedom,” In:  ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Vol. 7: 46th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), St. Louis, Missouri, USA. August 14–17, 2022.
  • Y. P. Singh, P. Tolambiya, K. Sharma, et al., “ Design of a common bulkhead dome for the cryogenic stage,” In proc. Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2nd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing, Bangalore, India, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 61–71, July 2022 (This paper received the best paper award).
  • Y. P. Singh, N. Ahmad, and A. Ghosal, “Design of dynamically isotropic two radii Gough-Stewart platforms with arbitrary number of struts” In: 9th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), Tehran, Iran, IEEE XPLORE 2022, pp. 66-71.
  • Y. P. Singh, N. Ahmad, and A. Ghosal, “Design of Dynamically Isotropic Modified Gough- Stewart Platform Using a Geometry-Based Approach,” In: Advances in Asian Mechanism and Machine Science. ASIAN MMS 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol. 113, Springer International Publishing, pp. 258–268, Dec., 2021.
  • Y. P. Singh, H. Singh, P.K. Sahu, R. Muthukumar, “Common Bulkhead Tank Design for Cryogenic Stage of An Indian Launch Vehicle,” 7th International Conference on PLMSS, Bangalore, Dec. 2019 (The following paper received the best paper award by DRDO).
  • Y. P. Singh, N. Ahmad, and A. Ghosal, “Dynamically isotropic Gough-Stewart Platform design with flexural joints,” In: 6th International and 21st National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, Raipur, India, Dec. 2023, Springer Nature (accepted).
  • Y. P. Singh, L.S. Mane, J. Ghosh, et al., “A tapered common bulkhead dome for the cryogenic stage of an Indian Launch vehicle,” In Proc 8th International Conference on PLMSS, VSSC, ISRO, India, Dec. 2021. (Accepted to be published by Springer).


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Taught students at UG and PG
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Guided students for final year projects
  • Course Instructor:
  • Course Co-instructor:
  • Teaching Assistant:


Best paper award @I4AM 2022
Best paper award by ex- ISRO director @PLMSS19
RAAD 2023 @Slovenia

Advisor information

Ashitava Ghosal is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing at IISc, Bangalore since 1988. He completed his PhD from Stanford University, California. His broad research areas are kinematics, dynamics, control and design of robots and other computer controlled mechanical systems, CAD/CAM, nonlinear dynamics and product design. He is the author of the textbook titled “Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis” by Oxford University Press (2006) which is used as a textbook in many undergraduate and graduate programs in India and abroad. He has 3 patents, published 78 archival journal papers and 80 papers in national and international conferences. He has guided 15 PhDs and more than 70 Masters students at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is currently associate editor of the international journals Mechanism and Machine Theory (Elsevier) and ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. He is currently serving an elected Executive Committee member of the IFToMM (International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) and is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. More information is available at https://mecheng.iisc.ac.in/~asitava